Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown
Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown

Plugins Used on This Site

Plugins Used on This Site

Plugins Used on This Site -
Plugins Used on This Site

The Plugins Used on This Site; Installed and Activated on this Website:

These tags are: Title, PluginURI, Author, AuthorURI, Version, Description, LinkedTitle, LinkedAuthor.

  • Admin Classic Borders - Andy Mercer
  • Ads.txt & App-ads.txt Manager - Pagup
  • Advanced Ads - Advanced Ads GmbH
  • Advanced Htaccess Optimizer & Editor - Big Techies
  • Affiliately - Affiliately
  • Affylite - Easy Affiliate Disclosure and Disclaimer - Deep Creek Lake, Maryland Marketing
  • Antispam Bee - pluginkollektiv
  • Arigato Autoresponder and Newsletter - Kiboko Labs
  • Auto Affiliate Links - Lucian Apostol
  • Avatar Manager - Cătălin Dogaru
  • Better Robots.txt - Index, rank & SEO booster + Woocommerce - Pagup
  • Big File Uploads - Infinite Uploads
  • Bit File Manager - File Manager by Bit Form Team
  • Blackhole for Bad Bots - Jeff Starr
  • Black Studio TinyMCE Widget - Black Studio
  • Broken Link Checker - WPMU DEV
  • Check & Log Email - checkemail
  • Classic Editor + - <a href='' title='Pieter Bos, Greg Schoppe'>Pieter Bos, Greg Schoppe
  • Classic Widgets - WordPress Contributors
  • Duplicate Page - mndpsingh287
  • Email Encoder - Protect Email Addresses - Jannis Thuemmig
  • Emoji Toolbar -
  • EWWW Image Optimizer - Exactly WWW
  • FMTC Affiliate Disclosure - Eric Nagel
  • Head, Footer and Post Injections - Stefano Lissa
  • Health Check & Troubleshooting - The community
  • Hide Admin Notices - PontetLabs
  • Hide Title - Dojo Digital
  • Indicate External Links - cubecolour
  • Login Designer - LoginDesigner
  • Loginizer - Softaculous
  • MailPoet - MailPoet
  • Media Library Assistant - David Lingren
  • Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions - NerdPress
  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin - SiteOrigin
  • PHP Compatibility Checker - WP Engine
  • PixelYourSite - PixelYourSite
  • Plugin Notes Plus - Jamie Bergen
  • Plugin Report - Roy Tanck
  • Plugins List - David Artiss
  • Popup Anything - A Marketing Popup - WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin
  • Quotes and Tips by BestWebSoft - BestWebSoft
  • Rank Math SEO - Rank Math
  • Redirection - John Godley
  • Restrict Usernames Emails Characters - benaceur
  • Reveal IDs - Oliver Schlöbe
  • Shortcodes Ultimate - Vova Anokhin
  • SiteOrigin CSS - SiteOrigin
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle - SiteOrigin
  • Smart Custom 404 error page [404page] - Peter Raschendorfer
  • Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) - Inisev
  • Table of Contents Plus - Michael Tran
  • Tablesome - Pauple
  • Title Remover - WPGurus
  • Ultimate Addons for SiteOrigin - munirkamal
  • Ultimate floating widgets - Aakash Chakravarthy
  • UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore - UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
  • Word Count and Limit - Jojaba
  • WordPress Persistent Login - Luke Seager
  • WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache - David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft
  • WP .htaccess Editor - WebFactory Ltd
  • WP AutoTerms - WP AutoTerms
  • WP Crontrol - John Blackbourn
  • WP Edit - Josh Lobe
  • WP Encryption - One Click SSL & Force HTTPS - WP Encryption SSL HTTPS
  • WP File Manager - mndpsingh287
  • WPForms Lite - WPForms
  • WP Mail SMTP - WP Mail SMTP
  • WP Sitemaps Config - Kybernetik Services
  • WP Word Count - RedLettuce Plugins
  • Zip Recipes Lover - Igor Benić
  • The Plugins Used on This Site That Were Not Using

    The list of plug-ins I have installed but am not using:

    Finally, want to sort the output by author and not plugin name? Just use the parameter by_author. For example…

    The Plugins Used on This Site by  Count

    The number of active Plugins I’m using on this site is:

    To display the number of active AND inactive plugins use [plugins_number inactive=true]. You can also display.

    The number of active AND inactive plugins I use:
    [plugins_number inactive=true]

    The number of inactive plugins I use:
    [plugins_number inactive=true active=false]

    Inactive cache:

    [plugins_number inactive=true cache=57]

    Reviews & Mentions

    Person Holding White and Brown Newspaper -
    Reviews & Mentions –

    I thought a default WP credit page would be kind of neat

    ֍ ֍ ֍ Further info concerning how to study & apply Torah:

    Do Not Stop at the Books (Don’t only study! Live what you study!). —>>  Message Click Here

    ֍ ֍ ֍ Resources

    In offering these resources we are not necessarily endorsing what they say or do on their websites.

    Their copyrights are their property.

    Wikipedia – Table of weekly Torah readings

    The Portions, haftarah, and Brit haDashah were taken from

    The audio passages used in the player were taken from

    Images used are generally taken from wikipedia commons on the listed portions.

    See the full license here:

    Click Me to display Scripture Resources

    Listing of Torah Portions URL:

    In offering these resources we are not necessarily endorsing what they say or do on their websites. Their copyrights are their property.

    "Scripture taken from The Scriptures, 
    Copyright by Institute for Scripture Research. 
    Used by permission".

    Copyright© 1999 - by Flyin'"S" Enterprises
    .... All rights reserved. Renewed Health and Vitality


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