Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown
Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown


Exodus - Sh'mot

Exodus (Shemot)

The menu of the weekly Torah portions of the book of Exodus (Shemot) reading Shemot.

The Book of Exodus (from Ancient Greek: Ἔξοδος, romanizedÉxodos; Hebrew: שְׁמוֹת Šəmōṯ, “Names”).

It is the second book of the Bible.

It narrates the story of the Exodus, in which the Israelites leave slavery in Egypt through the strength of Yehovah.

He has chosen them as his people.

The Israelites then journey with the prophet Moses to Mount Sinai.

That’s where Yehovah gives the 10 commandments and they enter into a covenant with Him.

He promises to make them a “holy nation, and a kingdom of priests” on condition of their faithfulness.

He gives them their laws and instructions to build the Tabernacle.

The means by which he will come from heaven and dwell with them and lead them in a war to possess the land of Canaan (the “Promised Land“)

He had earlier, according to the story of Genesis, promised the land to the seed of Abraham. {<<— edited from wikipedia}

When the latest Parashah is prepared and uploaded it will appear at the end of this list.


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Exodus - Sh'mot - renewedhealthandvitality.comAcredidation of images.

I took this on my cellphone camera on the opening page of the named book.

The image is Copyrighted © 2019 –

All rights reserved | The image is from the CJB Bible (Complete Jewish Bible) Translated by David H. Stern


Crossing of the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds)
Crossing of the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds)

Torah Portions were taken from

Scripture passages audio of portions used in the player was taken from

Images used are generally from Wikipedia and links to the pic names and credentials

See the full license here:

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Listing of Torah Portions URL:


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