Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown
Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown

Moed: Feasts

MOED: Feasts

MOED: Feasts


MOED: Feasts
FeastsThe menu of the Torah Appointed of the book of the moedim, or Divine Appointments, of Israel as they are listed for us in Leviticus 23.

When the latest Portion is prepared and uploaded it will appear at the end of this list.


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Moed: Feasts - Festivals, Divine Appointments
I found this on my drive. Idk where it came from. I will be using it until I can find the owner or find a free one or figure out what image I desire to use here. If you know who this belongs to tell me so I can give attribution or whatever the owner desires me to do with it.


In offering these resources we are not necessarily endorsing what they say or do on their websites.

Their copyrights are their property.

Wikipedia – Table of weekly Torah readings

The Torah Portions, haftarah, and Brit haDashah were taken from

The audio passages used in the player were taken from

Images used are generally taken from wikipedia commons on the listed portions.

See full license here:

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Listing of Torah Portions URL:

In offering these resources we are not necessarily endorsing what they say or do on their websites. Their copyrights are their property.


Renewed Health and Vitality

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.... All rights reserved. Renewed Health and Vitality


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