Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown
Your health is not an expense, it’s an investment ……. *It'll become an expense if you don’t invest in it, now! ~author Unknown

Heartburn a.k.a. GERD

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 Heartburn a.k.a. GERD

Tums - Heartburn
Heartburn is the Lack of acid in your stomach not too much.
Antacids do not work in the long run and actually do more harm.
Vinegar, on the other hand, does work, tho, and it works better.


I remember when I was a child, adults around me would complain about having heartburn after they ate a spicy meal, then sour burping.

Usually, they stopped at the store and got Rolaids® or Tums®.

While two different brands Rolaids® and Tums® share an active ingredient: calcium carbonate, according to Rolaids® and Tums® websites. However, Rolaids® also uses magnesium hydroxide in it.

This is so you could get relief from it faster, but that relief didn’t last as long.

While Rolaids® and Tums® tablets are made with calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, respectively, Tums® is made with nonactive ingredients for the Assorted Fruit flavor including corn starch, adipic acid,

sodium polyphosphate, FD&C blue #1 lake, FD&C yellow #5 lake, FD&C red #40 lake, FD&C yellow #6 lake, talc, mineral oil, flavors, and sucrose, as listed on the official TUMS website.

WOW! What a load of extra ingredients they have. Those colors in there are the most dangerous ingredients of them all, tho.

As I got older I heard some began calling it “Acid Reflux” and they still ate Rolaids® or Tums® to get relief. By the time I was mostly grown I started hearing that people started going to the doctor for their heartburn issues which were now being called acid reflux “disease”.

At the doctor’s visit, they were usually given a pill called Nexium, I heard it called the “Little Purple Pill” a lot. I guess that adding the word “disease” to it made it more serious.

In the following years in my 20s, I became one of those who started experiencing heartburn. I, too, stopped at the store and got Rolaids® or Tums® to chew so I could get relief from it. In my 30s I took a job as a corrections officer in the Texas prison system, TDCJ – ID, where I exposed myself to high-stress levels.

I had long been opposed to going to doctors unless it seemed serious enough for me to, but like I was taught to do I did go to doctor’s offices on occasion when I had heartburn. They tried prescribing the Nexium pill for me to take, but I avoided taking it.

Use Bragg’s ACV

Bragg’s ACV (apple cider vinegar) works best, but using any vinegar will work for this. Put a capful in 2 to 4oz of water and drink it. It’s been 10 years since I’ve had heartburn since I started doing this to deal with it.

I’ve used different kinds of vinegars when needed, but the best, IMHO, is Bragg’s ACV. Not because I make anything from the company speaking of them, but because it works. It has the mother still in each bottle so it’s packing an extra healthy punch.

Bragg's ACV
Bragg’s ACV

Acid reflux is complicated, but you’re getting older and everything’s slowing down… EXCEPT for acid production? Yeah right. How stupid is that idea? Acid production is forced down by many factors including pharmaceuticals.

Your food’s rotting on your stomach because you took an antacid so there’s no Acid in your stomach to digest it.

Rot gasses cause headaches, and no or low Acid caused that. Try adding Acid TO your stomach and see how many problems improve.

Heartburn: The transcript is edited and posted below the video.

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Below is the recipe recommended in the video to help you with your heartburn symptoms.

Free Acid Reflux Recipe Page

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Stop eating a low-sodium diet too. You can help the body improve. You need salt in your body to help it function. Low sodium is part of why you’ve got acid reflux.

I understand they called it a disease so they can create and sell pharmaceuticals for it. Remember the little purple pill? Yeah, their pocketbook thanks us for using it.

Heartburn GERD

GERD is a made-up disease. It is created by the FDA for big pharma to help doctors sell more drugs to their patients. Investigate it, honestly. Heartburn, on the other hand, is an issue.

To deal with it and help the body heal I recommend that you take about a cap full of vinegar, any kind will do, put it in 2 to 4 oz of water stir it, then drink it whenever you feel heartburn. Pickle juice works in a pinch, too. Just don’t drink it all as the pickles will dry out. Not good. 😉

Nexium, Little Purple Pill - Heartburn -
Nexium, Little Purple Pill – Heartburn

What Causes Heartburn – GERD

Your body is low on acid, and not producing enough acid for various reasons. I’m not fully prepared to discuss this in this article, but “Big Pharma’s” agents tell you you’re making too much acid but that’s not true.

Think about it. You’re getting older and everything is s-l-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n… EXCEPT for acid production? Yeah right!

Your body is simply not producing enough acid to deal with the food you just ate and because the acid level of your stomach is so low your food is sitting on your stomach rotting.

You need to increase your acid (PH) level so your food will start digesting correctly.

Any vinegar will work, but I believe Bragg’s ACV  is best. Shake it up 1st. The mother (cloudy stuff in the bottom) is super healthy for you. I, personally, have not had heartburn in nearly 10 years* since doing this. I’m telling you this from personal experience.

I searched these things out, myself, and learned how to stop doing what the doctors instructed me to do. What they told me to do did nothing but harm me. By going through this I realized how I was helping my body heal itself naturally.

*I was diagnosed with GERD back in the late 1990’s. The research I did about this is why I know it’s a fake disease, created so that big pharma could create drugs to address the problem and then sell them to a naive and unsuspecting public.

Do yourself a favor and don’t put yourself through so much pain. Try this before you spend your money. Put your money in your pocket and use vinegar to heal your heartburn symptoms, instead.

Acid Reflux Recipe

Heartburn, GERD

Nutrition Per
1 serving

Calories 101.56kcal 5% Potassium 851.68mg 24%
Total Fat 0.55g 1% Iron 1.27mg 9%
Carbs 23.4g 9% Zinc 0.73mg 7%
Sugars 12.36g 14% Phosphorus 103.32mg 15%
Protein 2.69g 5% Vitamin A 195.14mkg 24%
Sodium 114.04mg 6% Vitamin C 16.35mg 20%








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